First Annual Monterroso Lecture Series Friday March 23, 2012 Dr. Raúl Carrillo Arciniega, Department of Hispanic Studies The first time I read/heard the short story the Dinosaur by Monterroso I was living in Guadalajara, Mexico around 1990. I used to spend my evenings going to the theater to watch Pedro Almodóvar’s films without actually attending school. To me these films opened a new visual paradigm and advanced my unsteady and incipient artistic formation. A friend more knowledgeable than me in literary matters presented the story and the author to me when we were talking about the films that we had watched that day: La ley del deseo and Matador. I cannot recall why we ended up talking about dinosaurs rather than matadors but I guess this is the way youth works. This friend whose name I think I have forgotten asked me if I knew the shortest work of fiction in the history of literature, he didn’t use the term Hispanic literature because at that age we didn’t beli...
Blog dedicado a la reflexión y descripción teórica del mundo cómico-mágico-musical de Raúl Carrillo Arciniega